How ISM's Data Manipulation Resulted In A 150 Point Swing In Japanese Stocks


US equities dipped after the initial ISM data (and construction spending miss) as did USDJPY but soon after things began to levitate in their new normal manner as bad news is clearly pent-up good news in the future. By the time the ISM admitted its error - the US equity markets had recovered back to unchanged from 10ET's initial print. But what was really moving - since in our new normal world, a shift in the butterfly's wings of US ISM (seasonally adjusted) causing a hurricane (or Tsunami) in stock markets across the world, Japan's Nikkei 225 swung from low to high by over 150 points as the carry-trading algo monkeys reacted to every conflicting headline (and broke BATS).

The Dow had quite a day of selling, magical levitation and then stability...
