For Those Looking for the "Grail" - page 6


Woehahaa ! Yes, the grail is a secret and some think they have it.

And I think a secret can be found. Why not, maybe in my next reincarnation....

The Grail exists,

Pava has it

sometimes we forget that to be successful in the market "we only really have to be good at one thing"

especially as some of price action is just noise and actually increases risk

everyone should at least find that one thing and then exploit it, the rest is just a bonus

the Grail does exist (sort of)

but to find it requires lateral thinking and often as Mr pip outlined in post one,

although there are many Grails, and usually everyone's is different

don't give up looking as you never know when you might dig it up

but whether the brokers will allow you to keep the Grail and not steal it back, that's another matter and possibly for a different thread

Pava has it ?

Does Pava really exist ?


yes...I exist...


Good for you !

And I am too ...

Good for you ! And I am too ...

yeah..... but you exist only in my head...? everybody else and everything else that I know of...


The head, that's where it ALL happens .. or not.

Where would we be without a head ?

Pff, we wouldn't even know it ...

NOW, I'm going to give my head some rest.


A lot of heads are going to rest

A lot of heads are going to rest

Depends how fast


indicators are only good if you want to automate your trading IMHO

because if you trade manually, you don't need anything, just use your head and price action, this is the best indicator there is

Jan Fouquaert:

Pava has it ?

Does Pava really exist ?

i think it does not cos i have been looking but all i found was gohst.