Finance Week Ahead: More Earnings, Housing Data, First Pass at Q1 GDP


All eyes have been on Boston this past week following the tragic Marathon bombings on Monday. Friday brought a historic lockdown for the city amid a dramatic manhunt.

It has been hard for news junkies to focus on much else this week, but the rout on Wall Street and massive plunge in gold were dominating financial news headlines on Monday before the bombing. Now we're ending a week that has been the worst on Wall Street yet this year; the S&P 500, down 2.1%, hasn't seen a performance this weak since last November.

Next week will be another big one for earnings, with Apple (which closed below $400 this week for the first time since 2011) in keen focus. We'll also see a slew of housing data and get a look at first estimates for Q1 GDP. And, of course, we'll be following any new developments in Boston.

Here are some key things to look out for over the next week:

Friday, April 19-Sunday, April 21: IMF and World Bank spring meetings take place in DC

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