Cyprus Debt Grows, EU Refuses Further Help


Eurozone finance ministers will meet today in Dublin. Topping their discussion will be the Cyprus debt cost which has risen dramatically since the Cyprus bailout talks began. The new cost of the bailout crisis has risen from an original 17.5 billion euros to a new figure of 23 billion euros according to the Cypriot government.

Cyprus which has now slackened the capital controls on their banking as of yesterday for local depositors will now have to find a further 3 billion euros themselves. This comes as the Finance Minister of Luxembourg Luc Freiden claims that the EU will not raise their agreed share of the bailout sum of 10 billion euros.

The Cypriot government who are looking for alternatives to raised the extra capital have mentioned that they may have to sell some of their gold reserves. This new figure brings dramatic new challenges to the Cypriot

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