20 Books Every Trader Should Read


Before I get into this list, I have a warning for those looking for a book on trading, how to trade, or how to become a better trader. Learning about trading via books is a holdover from before this thing called “the internet,” which allowed things like trading blogs, trading services, and trading communities to exist.

Books are good for a general overview of the markets and trading concepts, trader biographies and anecdotal stories, and trading psychology, but by the very nature of their format, they are too limited and not dynamic enough to be relevant for very long.

Use them for a foundation, for ideas, but mostly for enjoyment. I think you will find that your trading will drastically improve that day you decided to stop looking for the latest trading book, and “write your own book” on trading.

As with every list, there will be disagreements. ”Why is that book on the list?” ”Why isn’t that book on the list?” I picked 20 books that stood out for me as a trader, that were a #valueadd (or a #valueloss) for one reason or another. That doesn’t even have to mean that they are about trading. For example, the “General Interest” section is made up of books that I think appeal to a trader’s mindset.
