Air Food Project


What is the Airfood Project?

The Airfood project is a solidarity action supporting the pursuit of the European food aid. The Airfood project is a solidarity action supporting the pursuit of the European food aid, a European emergency aid scheme, currently under threat. Its closure would endanger the survival of millions of recipients. Join the Airfood Project now and help us raise awareness among the public and decision makers! Help us defend the European food aid!

How does this work? You know how to play Air Guitar - pretending to play the guitar like a rock star, but without a guitar? Well, the Airfood Project is just about the same thing. It’s a dinner where all you eat is… air, because this is what may happen to many Europeans if they lose this vital food aid.

For the last 25 years, the European food aid (link to screen 2) has been answering the nutritional needs of more than 18 million European people thanks to the distribution, not of money, but of intervention stocks of agricultural products, via NGOs. It helps feed the neediest, fight food waste and offer its recipients an essential time of moral support and solidarity. In short, the European food aid is a cost-effective, down-to-earth and efficient humanitarian project… Let’s protect it!

This is why we need you, your energy and your commitment!

How to join in?

1. Film yourself while performing an Airfood session… and share the video!

2. Sign the petition and get your friends to sign too

3. Reach out to European decision makers on twitter

4. Spread the word!