Mt4 order execution window



my name is Zan from Europe and I am wondering if there are anyone great programmer

that can programm me advanced "order execution window" for Metatrader 4?

I present that to myself with that factors/columns inside:

-POSITION SIZE (clear cell, where I will type in for example 130.000)

-STOP LOSS (clear cell, where I will type in Stop loss IN PIPS,for example 15pips)

-PT1 --- PT1&PT2 cell will automatically calculate me(PT1= SL*1 ,PT2= SL*2) (if SL is 15pips,PT1 will be 15pips and PT2 30pips)

-PT2 ---

-PT3 --- PT3 will be fixed for 500pips

-BUY MARKET & SELL MARKET buttons (so at the end, i will just click...example: buy entry at the market 130.000 of quantity,SL 15pips,PT1 15pips,PT2 30pips,PT3 500pips)

So, if you will be able to do that (of course for payment) contact me.


Best regards,
