Any one good at building an EA


Hi everyone,

I'm really a newbie at forex only been doing it for about 8 months (demo accounts) but I've been using this indicator for the past 6 weeks and it is proving to be quite good, it seems to work in most currency pairs but I haven't tested them all, the thing is and here's the rub, you have to sit in front of the screen all day just in case the thing indicates a change in direction which gives you the time to close the trade and open a new one in the other direction,

I trade in the 1H TF but before I open a trade I normally check the 4H and the Daily TF as well just to be sure and if their all pointing in the same direction I open a trade.

I have had a few false positive signals from this indicator but too few to worry about and on the whole its not been a bad little indicator.

now to the problem and hopefully the solution, I work shifts so I can't be at my computer screen most days, so I was thinking is it possible to build an EA/bot that would work in conjunction with this EA indicator,

what I would like is the new EA/bot to monitor the signals in all 3 time frames and as soon as all 3 signals point in the same direction it opens the trade in that direction ( either long or short) if however the daily TF changes direction during the trade the new EA/bot should ignore that change and keep the trade going, but if the 1H TF changes direction it should close the trade and wait for all three time frames to indicate the same direction again (either long or short ) before it enters in to another trade.

I would also like it to be customizable with regards to the TP, SL, trialling stops and Lot size.

I am trying to learn how to build an EA but I have to be honest with you and myself I think its just a bit beyond me and it may as well be written in Latin.

still I just hope that there are some clever people out there ( and I have no doubt that there is ) that can help me.

this is the EA indicator I'm using and you are all more than welcome to use it, but if you can help me out that would also be very welcome.

Many Thanks....

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