Sniperforex ?



I came across sniperforex on another website . a few people there are trying the demo, has anyone here had any experience with it ?


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If you are willing to pay for a Hull moving average, than it is OK, I guess

Otherwise, just download some (any) HMA and make your own system

PS: Indicators in sub windows I do not know but as far as I see, signal does not depend on them

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thanks for the reply.

the hull does look very similar.




3 Hulls :

Hull 30 - price high

Hull 30 - price median

Hull 30 - price low

you might want to play with periods, but ...

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There was a thread about this some time ago but I cant find it.

The Hull ma that Sniperforex sells is the one made by Codersguru with built in signals.

It is interesting to have a look around Ebay as 99.9% of the stuff comes from TSD



It was somewhere here


No thats not the one ND.

It was about the snipersystem and codersguru indicators.

It also had the Osc, on .



I do not know ...

I just searched google for our forum:

and I found one post:

but seems this post was deleted many months ago from the forum ...

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