New Members introduction - page 945


Hi everyone! I'm Poli from Japan. I'm glad to be here! Thanks for attention!


I have no idea what or to whom I am replying........ just trying to reset my password.


my first post as member and thank you


Hello. This Rizwan from Pakistan. I have been keenly interested in doing Forex with success and that is why I found this Forex related forum, which I am sure will help me very much in this regard. So, I am looking forward to have a good time here with better understanding learning about Forex field. Thanks


Hello everybody,I am happy to join this forum. I want to say hi everybody.


G'day. My name is Lloyd and am Aussie. Been trading for 30 years. Started coding Welles Wilder's indicators into a HP programmable calculator in the late 80's and then manually drawing squiggly stuff by hand onto A3 chart paper. It was fun!

Pretty much the only analysis I consider these days are Ehler's stuff, and a couple other things like TrendWave (which is just a fancy smoothed CCI, which for those of you who know statistics actually makes a lot of sense - and I have made it better) and FGDI, which is just the Sevcik algorithm which I can even code into Metastock. I know, I know, Metastock is sneered by some as being a dinosaur, but it works for me and it is logical to code.

I don't have Tradestation as I find EasyLanguage to be a bit ridiculous - nevertheless, I can code most of Ehlers stuff from EasyLanguage into Excel (where I optimize using Ward System's Genehunter) and Metastock, even stuff where people say it cannot be done. I struggle with a lot of stuff in Cycle Analytics, but I can do the stuff I consider to have value - swami is not one of them. I am glad he dumped the sinewave - I found it useless.

I could rant a lot more :-) I have been a member here for some time and I very much enjoy people's enthusiasm and sharing of ideas.


hello.. new to trading.

Hope to learn something new from Tsd


hello traders...

I'm new to TSD. hope to learn something new .

Thank You.


Hi All - new to TSD. looks like an awesome forum with many helpful people around.


Hi from the UK. Thanks for all the info on this board. I'm currently interested in trading binaries using tick charts.