Eridu - CounterTrend Pivot TS

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My Teachers

Here with gratitude I would like to say thank you to all my teachers... SpudFyre... Ramdas... Igor... MiniMe... Kuskus... Bluto... Daraknor... to name a few... and seasoned experienced traders... who frequent the forum pages... I am still a beginner, but thanks to your wisdom I know now a little bit more... THANKS!


Here are the images of how the final ERIDU TS could look like... images you will see below represent an existing solution for the Trade Station... and... my dream is to make the like system available for MT4 community...

When I have learned what the components of this system are, I realized there is a great potential for the like system here... I know we can do it... and yes, I understand there is quite a bit of work before we can see ERIDU running... we know, there is always a beginning for everything... and ERIDU for MT4 may be just it...

I have general understanding of all the components, but like I said I am not a programmer... so I am inviting people with the right skills to come in... sit down... do some brainstorming... and become the Knights of the Round Table...

The first item to create I think would be a PIVOT indicator based on the info at

The code is given there and I trust for the programmer it should be an easy task to put it all together... the other PIVOT's components, as stated in the original post could be added in the next phases of the project...

Thanks for dropping by




What I see in the pictures of Trading Alchemy are (IMHO) swing highs/lows.

AG have the same option and call it pivots, but in fact are previous swing highs/lows.

What do you think?

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What I see in the pictures of Trading Alchemy are (IMHO) swing highs/lows.

AG have the same option and call it pivots, but in fact are previous swing highs/lows.

What do you think?

Hello Linuxser... I much appreciate you showing up here... my understanding is you are very experienced member/trader here... and are working on the "perfect" PIVOT solution as well...

You are like a Trading University PHD... and I, am only starting my first semester ... so thank you again for sharing your thoughts...

The image you are showing looks very promising... if we could only get programers to come here and help with that codding... thereafter, we would be in a position to make ERIDU see the light at the end of the tunnel rather quickly...

Looking at how I started this thread... I see much words and only links to graphics, so... I will go back and place the graphics into the text to make the pages more appealing to the reader's eye and mind...

PS: When I am logged-in, I see the image open in your post... but all my images are as attachments and you need to click on them to open... how do yo load them to be open[visible] as yours is...? -tks


Baby Eridu...

ERIDU is just making first baby steps... it looks a bit messy... like a Christmas tree... too many "pivot" lines/points... and not everything that you see on the screen is necessary...

And like I said... the key item that needs to be constructed first is that "perfect" pivot [previous day's swing highs/lows?]... Linuxser, your expertise and leading role here will be much appreciated...

Only after having the "perfect" pivot done, we can start getting into the whole Trading Strategy...

Here is Baby ERIDU... as you can see PIVOT changes at 17:00 NY time... but Daily Open is stack at the server's time [there is no GMT variable on this one]... too many "pivot" indicators... we do not need all the lines running across the screen... and we need to decide WHICH "pivot" points to use... -is Alchemy and/or AG a way to go...?

and... thank you CJA for your indicator... and the BIG price number...

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Hi Linuxser... I know that perfect does not exist... that's why I am using "perfect"...

and thank you for the Support/Resistance Indicator - SRI... is also making quite a few waves with his ZeroLag MACD... BTW in English it would be ...

I gather the SRI is marking the S/R reversals after the fact... isn't it...? or, is it drawing them ahead of the time like Pivots...? ... ... after a few thoughts... it must be drawing after the fact... and... looks like it's a good addition to the "perfect" pivot... -tks

a few questions...

- is SRI a part of your Pivot Probability Bands - PPB...?

- do you have GMT variable incorporated with your PPB...?

- can there be a history/current Daily Open line added to it...?

- can there be GMT shif's "NY daily" H/L painted span, added to it...?

- are you a coder...? -if yes, would you have time to the code...?

- if no, then we need to find a coder who would work with us here...

Well... but I need to say to myself... HOLD YOUR HORSES... I am asking you as if you could share your PBP with us... sorry...

On the other hand, as you said, you have already done the hard work... and GOT IT... I am just starting it... => this search for a "perfect" pivot...

but if you feel you could share... it could be a bonanza for all of us...


i-sessions indicator

...missing from the previous post. Enjoy!
