Mql font size in help - page 2



Maybe a problem with metaeditor.ini

Try to delete this file you have in the config folder.

Another problem could be your browser settings because the Metaeditor could be (should be) using the explorer engine.

It's very convenient to have the Help Reference right there in the bottom panel, but for some reason the font is so big it's now unusable. I've tried reinstalling MT4 but that did help. Any suggestions how make this font smaller?

I moved your post to this thread where this problem was solved.


Out of curiosity I tried it out now under windows vista by making text in IE larger then opening mql meta editor and text size remains the correct standard size for me. So no problems here.

Linuxser could be right about the ini file.


The only problem I have with MT4 is scripts - non ever seem to work for me.