Mc grew macd (fruity pebles)


i have this indicator only in visual trading code

can some codersguru translate into mt4 ?



first picture is macd dots

second picture is simple macd system


I looked and looked for this - nice job Forex Boss. I really hope someone can convert this. The system looks good. Maybe its time for me to study up on this stuff...


yes..i agree..i test in on visual trading and it it very good

hope that some coder help me


here is the formula behind the dots, in VT code

FL := Mov( pr,Sh,tpma ) - Mov( pr,Lg,tpma );

SL := Mov(Mov( pr,Sh,tpma ) - Mov( pr,Lg,tpma ),sig,tr);



PlaceBuydot:=If(buydot=1 and Ref(BuyDot,-1)=0,L-0.0003,null);

Selldot:=if(OsMA>abovbelow and OsMA<ref(OsMA,-1),1,0);

PlaceSelldot:=If(Selldot=1 and ref(SellDot,-1)=0,H+0.0003,null);



and metatrader code?someone have this please?


Here is a simple MACD cross dot indicator if this helps:

here is the formula behind the dots, in VT code

FL := Mov( pr,Sh,tpma ) - Mov( pr,Lg,tpma );

SL := Mov(Mov( pr,Sh,tpma ) - Mov( pr,Lg,tpma ),sig,tr);



PlaceBuydot:=If(buydot=1 and Ref(BuyDot,-1)=0,L-0.0003,null);

Selldot:=if(OsMA>abovbelow and OsMA<ref(OsMA,-1),1,0);

PlaceSelldot:=If(Selldot=1 and ref(SellDot,-1)=0,H+0.0003,null);


What is the abovebelow value?


As far as I understand it, It display a dot when the MACD cross. I don't know the valuse of one of the variables so I cannot use it in my code.

If you can put the pair and TF and the date+time of the chart that u post, maybe we can refine it.

This is my version of this indicator.


macd_dot.mq4  3 kb
What is the abovebelow value?

it's 0.0001 or 0.0002 , a level against which u compare the OSMA to filter the signals

it's 0.0001 or 0.0002 , a level against which u compare the OSMA to filter the signals

Thanks, Here is the corrected version. works on high TF (at least 1H)
