Only trade fothe first signal


Hi all,

I‌ am running into an issue which I hope you guys can help.

How to code it if I only want to trade for the first signal after stochastic cross from level 25 and SMA 100 higher than SMA 200

T‌he following is a part of my code so far:

//|  In no event will author be liable for any damages whatsoever.   |
//|                      Use at your own risk.                       |
//|                                                                  |
//+------------------- DO NOT REMOVE THIS HEADER --------------------+

#define SIGNAL_NONE 0
#define SIGNAL_BUY   1
#define SIGNAL_SELL  2

extern int MagicNumber = 11111;
extern bool SignalMail = False;
extern bool EachTickMode = False;
extern int Slippage = 3;
extern bool UseStopLoss = True;
extern int StopLoss = 2500;
extern bool UseTakeProfit = False;
extern int TakeProfit = 1500;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = True;
extern int TrailingStop = 3000;
extern int MA_LPeriod = 200;
extern int MA_SPeriod = 100;

extern int MinCapital = 250;

int BarCount;
int Current;
bool TickCheck = False;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init() {
   BarCount = Bars;

   if (EachTickMode) Current = 0; else Current = 1;

//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit() {
//| expert start function                                            |
int start() {
   int Order = SIGNAL_NONE;
   int Total, Ticket, n;
   double StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel;

   if (EachTickMode && Bars != BarCount) TickCheck = False;
   Total = OrdersTotal();
   Order = SIGNAL_NONE;

   //| Variable Begin                                                   |

double MA_Long = iMA(NULL, 0, MA_LPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0); 
double MA_Short = iMA(NULL, 0, MA_SPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0); 
double MA_Long_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, MA_LPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); 
double MA_Short_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, MA_SPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); 

double Sto = iStochastic(NULL, 0, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMA, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0); 
double Sto_1 = iStochastic(NULL, 0, 14, 3, 3, MODE_SMA, 0, MODE_MAIN, 1); 

double l_lotz;
double l_minlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
double l_maxlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
double l_lotstep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
int vp = 0; if(l_lotstep == 0.01) vp = 2; else vp = 1;

l_lotz = MathFloor(AccountBalance() / MinCapital) / 100.0; 
l_lotz = NormalizeDouble(l_lotz, vp);
if (l_lotz < l_minlot) l_lotz = l_minlot;
if(l_lotz > l_maxlot) l_lotz = l_maxlot; 
double Lots = l_lotz;   

   //| Variable End                                                     |

   //Check position

   for (int i = 0; i < Total; i ++) {
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if(OrderType() <= OP_SELL &&  OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) {

            //| Signal Begin(Exit Buy)                                           |

         if (MA_Long > MA_Short) Order = SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY;

            //| Signal End(Exit Buy)                                             |

            if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen);
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy");
               if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
            //Trailing stop
            if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0 && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber) {                 
               if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop) {
                  if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop) {
                     OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen);
                     if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
         } else {

            //| Signal Begin(Exit Sell)                                          |

         if (MA_Long < MA_Short) Order = SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY;

            //| Signal End(Exit Sell)                                            |

            if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSESELL && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange);
               if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell");
               if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;
            //Trailing stop
            if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0 && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber) {                 
               if((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) > (Point * TrailingStop)) {
                  if((OrderStopLoss() > (Ask + Point * TrailingStop)) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0)) {
                     OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange);
                     if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

if ((MA_Short > MA_Long && MA_Short_1 < MA_Long_1) || (MA_Short < MA_Long && MA_Short_1 > MA_Long_1))
n = 0; 

Print("n =  ", n); 

   //| Signal Begin(Entry)                                              |

   if (MA_Short > MA_Long && Sto_1 < 25 && Sto > 25 && n < 2) Order = SIGNAL_BUY;

   if (MA_Short < MA_Long && Sto_1 > 75 && Sto < 75 && n < 2) Order = SIGNAL_SELL;

   //| Signal End                                                       |

   if (Order == SIGNAL_BUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
       n = n++; 
         //Check free margin
         if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
            Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

         if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Ask - StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
         if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Ask + TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

         Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue);
         if(Ticket > 0) {
            if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
                                Print("BUY order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
                if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy");
                        } else {
                                Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError());
         if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
         if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

   if (Order == SIGNAL_SELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) {
          n = n++;      
         //Check free margin
         if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) {
            Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin());

         if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Bid + StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0;
         if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Bid - TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0;

         Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DeepPink);
         if(Ticket > 0) {
            if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
                                Print("SELL order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
                if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell");
                        } else {
                                Print("Error opening SELL order : ", GetLastError());
         if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True;
         if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

   if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars;

