help me please, how to save a value ?

int OnTick ()


if (Bid > Close [+1])

{ (Bid value saved forverer) } // How can i save Bid value that specific time?

  1. Close[-1] is the future, it doesn't exist.
  2. Close[0] is equal to Bid always.
  3. Just save it (static or global.)
    int OnTick(){
      static double Bid_value_saved_forverer;
      if (Bid > Close[1]){ Bid_value_saved_forverer = Bid; }
so just put a "static" before defining double? Thanks a lot

Just 1 more question, if i put another If condition, the Static value will update if last condition is checked?  



Static values are static.


Just 1 more question, if i put another If condition, the Static value will update if last condition is checked?  

If you give the static variable a new value, then it will retain that value until you assign a new value to it.

I still don't undertstand, mql4 book doesn't explain about this, and i really need to know this, for example:


int OnTick()

static double Bid_value_saved_forverer;


if (Bid > Close[1])

   { Bid_value_saved_forverer = Bid; } // happen...

   if (Bid > Close[1])
   { Bid_value_saved_forverer = Bid;} // happen too


 If the first condition happen, then next happen too, the static will save only the first one, or the last?



I still don't undertstand, mql4 book doesn't explain about this, and i really need to know this, for example:


int OnTick()

static double Bid_value_saved_forverer;


if (Bid > Close[1])

   { Bid_value_saved_forverer = Bid; } // happen...

   if (Bid > Close[1])
   { Bid_value_saved_forverer = Bid;} // happen too


 If the first condition happen, then next happen too, the static will save only the first one, or the last?


The last one.
The last one.
Thanks a lot 
Thanks a lot 

const can only be set once.

If you want to remember it between calls, you can try static const 

Or look into Global Variables of the Terminal -

Global Variables of the Terminal - MQL4 Reference
Global Variables of the Terminal - MQL4 Reference
Global Variables of the Terminal - MQL4 Reference
mrluck1: I still don't undertstand, mql4 book doesn't explain about this, and i really need to know this,
I gave you links (#1.) Did you bother to read them?