Help!! MQL4 Tutoring required!! Will pay hourly rate $$


Hi All,


I am looking for someone who can tutor me MQL4 either via online or in person. I am very keen to pay  an hourly rate for your time.


About me:

  • I have some very basic understanding of MQL4 from reading a book on it and doing an online course
  • I have built a couple of basic systems however it is not exactly doing what I want it to do
  • I am still very knew to algorithmic trading and coding
  • Very easy to get along with, and the kind of person that will value your time


I am looking for someone who can offer:

  • To go through my system (still very basic) and explain to me what I did wrong and how to make it do what I want it to do
  • Provide tips on how to improve my system
  • Teach me some new things on MQL4 and building a system
  • Their time of 0.5 - 3 hours a week


If you are interested, please message or reply and I will be very excited to speak with you and hopefully get started!!


I am based in Melbourne, Australia, 26yo male, working in CBD.


Your help will be much appreciated!!