Statements with correct historical balance


HI. Am looking to get monthly statements with the correct Equity or Balance at the actual time of the month end. The statements that I print off of MT4 Platform does not show what my balance was at the end of the month. It shows the current balance of the day that I print the report. So, it makes it difficult to reconcile. Is there another way to print these statements other than on the MT4 platform.

I tried the Report.mq4 script but does not load. Surely there must ne a simple way to reprint correct statements showing Balance or Equity at the time?



HI. Am looking to get monthly statements with the correct Equity or Balance at the actual time of the month end. The statements that I print off of MT4 Platform does not show what my balance was at the end of the month. It shows the current balance of the day that I print the report. So, it makes it difficult to reconcile. Is there another way to print these statements other than on the MT4 platform.

I tried the Report.mq4 script but does not load. Surely there must ne a simple way to reprint correct statements showing Balance or Equity at the time?


Balance would be easier to code. Equity wouldn't be so simple.

HI. Am looking to get monthly statements with the correct Equity or Balance at the actual time of the month end. The statements that I print off of MT4 Platform does not show what my balance was at the end of the month. It shows the current balance of the day that I print the report. So, it makes it difficult to reconcile. Is there another way to print these statements other than on the MT4 platform.

I tried the Report.mq4 script but does not load. Surely there must ne a simple way to reprint correct statements showing Balance or Equity at the time?


Welcome to forum,

Either you print these monthly statement just at end of the month, or you have to use a script. Maybe we can help you with Report.mq4, where is the code ?