MT4 - Coding the most accurate currency strength meter



Looks like this is more difficult to program than i thought.

Can anybody help me out, I'm not a coder.

Calculation formula:

The result would look like that:




Looks like this is more difficult to program than i thought.

Can anybody help me out, I'm not a coder.

Calculation formula:

The result would look like that:


Please show what you have done so far and what you are specifically having problems with . . . if you want someone to code it for you then please click this link: Code my mql4 or mql5 for me
No-Luck: Can anybody help me out, I'm not a coder.
You have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.

As I said I'm not a coder.

Anyone who codes this will get 10% of my profits when I start the attempt to make 1 Million (starting with 100 bucks) next year.


As I said I'm not a coder.

Anyone who codes this will get 10% of my profits when I start the attempt to make 1 Million (starting with 100 bucks) next year.

Consider changing your name from "No-Luck" to "Good-Luck" :)

As I said I'm not a coder.

Anyone who codes this will get 10% of my profits when I start the attempt to make 1 Million (starting with 100 bucks) next year.

Please go here and post your job: MT4 & MT5 coding service for those who can't or won't . . .