New article: Debugging MQL5 Programs


New article Debugging MQL5 Programs is published at

This article is intended primarily for the programmers who have already learned the language but have not fully mastered the program development yet. It reveals some debugging techniques and presents a combined experience of the author and many other programmers.

Debugging is a stage in program development meant for detecting and removing program execution errors. During the debugging process, a developer analyzes an application trying to detect possible issues. Data for analysis is received by observing the variables and program execution (what functions are called and when).

There are two complementary debugging technologies:

  • Using the debugger - utility showing step-by-step execution of the developed program.
  • Interactive display of variables' states and functions' invocations on a screen, in the journal or in a file.

Debugging process. Viewing variable values.

Author: Nikolay Demko