Question on money management using same expert & account# on 2 or more ClientTerminals


I need some understanding on how some of you who run many ClientTerminals - all same expert and some/all using same account# deal with eg, daily draw down limit, maximum money risk, ...

On single Client, one way to deal with each expert's 'slice of the money cake' if 2 or more on same ClientTerminal/account# could be: 

dMyMoneySlice = dEquity*dRiskPcent/dCountOfTradingExperts;  //GlobalVariable

This basic idea (or variant of), I am happy with...

?what about when we introduce say 2 ClientTerminals running same/one expert on same account#.

As I understand it, we have 2 experts which do not 'know' about each other. RiskPcent must be divided by 2 (in this example).

So how achieve in an n ClientTerminal environment? and additionally, experts could stop/restart at any time etc. NOTE:This is not an issue in the one ClientTerminal example, as each instance would obviously be updating their local copy of 'count' or whatever mechanism is chosen - as long as they are dynamically aware of the changed 'count'..

external var seems to not offer solution..  and file sum store seems slow and potentially? R/W contentions may emerge..