After so many people asking, why is there still no way to amplify signal volume?


Hello, I have searched and what I discovered is that people have been asking for the ability to adjust or amplify a signal volume they are subscribed to for months but it is still not possible to do so. Why wouldn't something like this be implemented if we know and accept the risks? Something as simple as allowing us to override the "percentage for volume conversion selected according to the ratio of balances and leverages".

Are there any plans for this? Shouldn't we be allowed to destroy ourselves if we want to? :)

Thank you 

banana.boy: Shouldn't we be allowed to destroy ourselves if we want to? :)
Yes, people should have this option ;)
Yes, people should have this option ;)
Yes, so they can then     and blame MetaQuotes for letting them do it . . . 
RaptorUK: Yes, so they can then    and blame MetaQuotes for letting them do it . . .
A nice little Disclaimer should do the trick.
A nice little Disclaimer should do the trick.
Naaaa, children always want protecting from themselves when things have gone wrong  . . .
Not me, I am a libertarian!
Please let us amplify signal volume :(