MySQL revisited


This code works:

string getSTRField(string query)
string result;
string row;
int length=StringLen(query);
int res2 = mysql_real_query(mysql,query,length);
int res = mysql_store_result(mysql);
Print("result of query stored = 0!!");
Print("GetLastError MySQL: " + DoubleToStr(GetLastError(),0));
int numOfRows = mysql_num_rows(res);
row = mysql_fetch_row(res); //Only pick up first occurrence.
row = StringSubstr(row,8);
row = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(row));


I am picking up the result from mysql_fetch_row() in a "normal" string. The result is actually given back in something called a MY_SQLROW.

According to the MySQL Manual: "This is a type-safe representation of one row of data...."

Looking into the string I can see that the row data is prefixed with "something" of length 8 so I just scrap that. It works but I wonder if there is a better formal way to handle this??