comparing price movements between sets of pairs.

The above link show which sets of pairs move in the same or opposite ways... "Correlation Table" .

What I am interested to know, is if their prices move in direct relation to their pip movement.

Example: CHFJPY and AUDJPY have a high correlation... so... if

I buy CHFJPY at 93.800 and I sell AUDJPY at 86.300 and then they both go down by 0.100

CHFJPY would be 93.700 for a loss in $$$ and AUDJPY would be 86.200 for a gain in $$$

Would the $ loss of the CHPJPY order be exactly offset by the $ gain of AUDJPY order ?

How is this calculated?

Would the $ loss of the CHPJPY order be exactly offset by the $ gain of AUDJPY order ?
Correlated pairs generally follow each other, never exactly.
Correlated pairs generally follow each other, never exactly.

But if they did... and thats a big if... I know... is the $ the same? Or is one going to make a little more/less than the other with exactly the same pip movement?