Mobile Trading and Trading Alerts


I've been looking through various forums to get the answers to my questions but most of them are really unclear or difficult to understand for me.

Firstly I hope that some members that have experience in trading using mobiles give me some feedback. I am really interested in buying a new mobile for trading but I am in doubt of which one to buy. Iphone, Blackberry, Android? Which 1 is the best to use MT4 mobile platform? And am I able to use indicators on mobile platform?

Moreover, I've been trying to set my Email settings so that I can receive alerts on my Hotmail email from meta trader. Can I do so with hotmail? I've been having problems to set it up. I am using for SMTP server but I am having this error: Mail: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. Should I better use a different email provider? can someone suggest another one for me that works?

In the future my plan is to have email alerts that i can read on my mobile. When two moving averages cross over I wish to receive the email alert (from my laptop at home) which I can read on my mobile and trade the call.

I hope to hear a reply soon :)

Thank you in advance!