Cloud-Agents not connecting to Server when Machine is not in Idle



I installed MetaTester to provide my CPU-Power to the Cloud. Everything is working fine, 3 of 6 Agents are showing up in my Acount-List. When I check the Log-Files of all the Agents I can see that they connect once or twice a minute to the Server ("Network connected to").

Because of energycosts and efficiency I don´t want the machine(s) to wait if the Cloud has some work to offer, but let a Low-Priority-Application calculate something else on all of the logical Cores which should stop when the Agents become active and start calculating (because of Priority). Although the program is running with Priority LOW and the MQL-Agents run with Priority HIGH, the Agents do not connect to the Server anymore, the last Log-Entry is at the time when I start my Low-Priority-App.

Is it only possible to run the Agents when the machine is completely in Idle-Mode (CPU-Usage 0%) ?  

Thanks for your answer in advance,

best Regards