setting flexible indicator colour


hello to the experts,

for example the command "SetIndexStyle (0,EMPTY,EMPTY,2,Blue); " sets an indicator colour, in my case a line style indicator.

Now this command applies to - all - the data i.e. the colour of the - whole line - is changed.

I'd like to find a way to draw an indicator line, where for example in different segments of the line(according to preprogrammed conditions) the indicator line shows the colour

Blue or Red because the "SetindexStyle" changes the whole line.......

any ideas?

if so, thanks of course.


btw is there any way to enlarge the programmed comments (command : "Comment()"), so that the text is way better visible on the screen?

and is it possible to use a custom indicator in the chart window - neglecting - the scale of the indicator, because the chart window scale shows the quotes and an additional indicator with a scale form -100 to +100 does not fit logically into the "quote frame"

Btw. "Metastock" has this the drag and drop dialogue window to chosse if a scale is overimposed or not?