TeamWox: New Partnership Program


We are happy to announce the launch of our new partnership program. It has undergone revolutionary changes, and almost all its aspects have been improved. This new program will be even more attractive and beneficial to our partners!

Now our partnership relations will become even closer. Not only we offer you to distribute TeamWox, but we actively help all our clients. We've developed special marketing materials and offer it for free to our partners. Plus to that, we offer additional materials to help our partners render better services and cut everyday expenses.

What's more important - we offer materials that will enable our partners to render additional services and make additional profits. The standard partner's fee is still 20% of the license price. And besides that our partners can now earn even more offering additional services to clients with minimal expenses.

To optimize the new active cooperation with partners, we have updates the Partner's section of this website. Here our partners receive news, read articles, access marketing and additional materials; as well as keep their client base, order licenses and pay for them.

Our partners are now the precious channel from where we receive feedback. Through our partners, we get most of suggestions regarding further development of our product. The new Partner's section is tightly linked to our TeamWox, so we can receive our partners' comments right in the system. It's much easier now for our partners to assign tasks to us, and hold their execution under control.

The formal part of cooperation has also changed. In order to become our partner, it's necessary to sign an agreement. Only after that a company becomes our partner and gets the personalized access to the closed Partner's section and its special features.

The new partnership program of TeamWox meaòû convenience, cheapness and possibility to make additional profits!

Please visit our website pages to learn more about the updated partnership program:

Would you like to become our partner and earn with us?

Yes. I want to be your Partner!