Miss Data from ALPARI, is there miss data from other brokers?


I found something,

data from ALPARI not valid, coz there's jump up and down inside history data.

from backtest, always loss coz this data.

example backtest from 1st jun 2008 - now.


1 2008.08.05 19:56 sell 1 5.00 1.9528 2.1528 1.9478 0.00 10000.00
2 2008.08.06 17:38 t/p 1 5.00 1.9478 2.1528 1.9478 2429.00 12429.00
3 2008.08.06 22:46 buy 2 5.00 1.9480 1.7480 1.9530 0.00 12429.00
4 2008.08.07 13:22 t/p 2 5.00 1.9530 1.7480 1.9530 2602.00 15031.00
5 2008.08.11 00:31 sell 3 5.00 1.9141 2.1141 1.9091 0.00 15031.00
6 2008.08.11 19:34 t/p 3 5.00 1.9091 2.1141 1.9091 2500.00 17531.00
7 2008.08.13 14:06 sell 4 5.00 1.8763 2.0763 1.8713 0.00 17531.00
8 2008.08.13 15:33 t/p 4 5.00 1.8713 2.0763 1.8713 2500.00 20031.00
9 2008.08.15 03:10 buy 5 5.00 1.8654 1.6654 1.8704 0.00 20031.00
10 2008.08.18 02:36 t/p 5 5.00 1.8704 1.6654 1.8704 2534.00 22565.00
11 2008.08.18 04:35 sell 6 5.00 1.8688 2.0688 1.8638 0.00 22565.00
12 2008.08.18 16:28 t/p 6 5.00 1.8638 2.0688 1.8638 2500.00 25065.00
13 2008.08.19 11:44 sell 7 5.00 1.8565 2.0565 1.8515 0.00 25065.00
14 2008.08.22 17:32 t/p 7 5.00 1.8515 2.0565 1.8515 2145.00 27210.00
15 2008.08.26 13:12 sell 8 5.00 1.8338 2.0338 1.8288 0.00 27210.00
16 2008.08.27 17:50 t/p 8 5.00 1.8288 2.0338 1.8288 2429.00 29639.00
17 2008.09.01 04:49 sell 9 5.00 1.8044 2.0044 1.7994 0.00 29639.00
18 2008.09.01 16:59 t/p 9 5.00 1.7994 2.0044 1.7994 2500.00 32139.00
19 2008.09.04 19:57 sell 10 5.00 1.7712 1.9712 1.7662 0.00 32139.00
20 2008.09.04 23:16 t/p 10 5.00 1.7662 1.9712 1.7662 2500.00 34639.00
21 2008.09.15 07:00 sell 11 5.00 1.8025 2.0025 1.7975 0.00 34639.00
22 2008.09.15 10:46 t/p 11 5.00 1.7975 2.0025 1.7975 2500.00 37139.00
23 2008.09.17 12:00 sell 12 5.00 1.7459 1.9459 1.7409 0.00 37139.00
24 2008.09.17 20:21 close at stop 12 5.00 1.8168 1.9459 1.7409 -35450.00 1689.00

mistakes happened at trade-12 or data 23, 24. i checking & tracking todate 2008.09.17 time 12.00

there's jump down the price on minute 21.


always exist jump price like this at each history, is there any know about this happen?

other sample:

