How to change the default file directories where working files can be placed?

Is it possible to configure the location of the three directories (with subdirectories) where working files can be placed? I'd like to configure one of them on a ramdisk so that it can communicate with other programs through files without actual writing on harddisk. Also how to retrieve the names of all exisitng files under a directory?

- Clearpicks

You can put it on RamDisk.

I have my History folder on RamDisk due to some performance issues

How to:

Create RamDisk.

Copy C:\Program File\MetaTrader\..\someFolder to RamDisk.

delete/rename original directory at C:\Program File\MetaTrader\..\someFolder

Create an NTFS junction ( like posix symbolic link ) from the Ramdisk folder to the metatrader directory tree in each MT4 installation.

Create the link for the FOLDER not for the files.


Using Ramdisk from:

