fx trade


To whom it may concern,

We are a Swiss based investment management company having developed an automatic hedging/investment strategy for our clients and are looking therefore to become an IB for a major forex trading house. Currently we are screening the market. We would be pleased if you could briefly answer the following questions.

- What is the leverage you are working with (maximum), what is the minimum account size?

- What are the available lot-sizes , are specific lot-sizes negotiable?

- What currency pairs do you offer, and what is the spread of them?

- Do you have additional fees?

- What is your commission model for ibs?

- What is the average traded volume at your market?

- Do you support any direct access to your systems (api)

Best regards,

Ümmü Kaska ISVIP GmbHSchützenhausstr.38618 Oetwil am See Switzerland