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Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Weekly Wrap: 26th Jan 2015 veröffentlicht
Global growth concerns, soft China data and the aptly labelled 'Grexit' are likely to be key drivers for a risk-off environment leading up to the FOMC statement...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag EURUSD Gaps Down After Syriza Victory – Could Bears Target 1.10 Next? veröffentlicht
For EURUSD, it never rains, but it pours. After last week's announcement of a larger-than-expected QE program from the ECB, euro bulls were dealt another blow as Greece's far-left Syriza party secured a victory in the country's snap election. For those who don't follow Greek politics closely (i.e...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag 5 crucial things to know about Greece’s snap election veröffentlicht
Brace yourselves for a Greek earthquake this weekend. On Sunday, Greek voters head to the polls for a snap general election, called after their parliament in late December rejected Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s preferred candidate for president...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Syriza poised for victory in Greek election veröffentlicht
ATHENS—Greece’s radical leftist Syriza party was poised to win a historic victory in national elections Sunday as exit polls showed voters rejected a ruling party that had implemented Europe’s harsh austerity medicine. Syriza appeared to win between 35.5% and 39...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag FX: QEphoric veröffentlicht
The 1.12 is HUGE for EURUSD. A post-QE bounce this week possible...ditto the rates. Friday's US wage data key. EMs! If ECB did anything last week, it was...get people buy champagne to celebrate the EURUSD at parity. Let's see. Figure 1...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag ECB's Mersch calls for European capital markets union veröffentlicht
European Central Bank policymaker Yves Mersch called on Sunday for the euro zone to pursue deeper integration, including a capital markets union that would enable a company in one country to issue a bond in another...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Europe Watches as Greeks Vote for More Reform or Defiance veröffentlicht
Greek voters are going to the polls today in an election that will determine whether the country that triggered the euro-area debt crisis five years ago holds to the path of economic reform or challenges its creditors and sets a precedent for all Europe...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag The Week Ahead - Jan 26 2015 veröffentlicht
Monday, Jan 26 EUR ::: Hellenic Parliament Elections The victory of Syrize from the left wing party in Greece this weekend, mean a roll back from painful austerity measures imposed during years of economic crisis which might lead to a total exit for Greece from the Euro project...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag The Satya Nadella Era At Microsoft Is A Smashing Success So Far veröffentlicht
Microsoft spent 2.5 hours announcing the newest version of Windows, Windows 10, at its campus in Redmond, Washington this week. That's a long time. That's about as long as a Lord Of The Rings movie. But, Windows 10 doesn't have the narrative pull, or plot twists of Lord Of The Rings...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Andrius Kulvinskas
Canadian banks haven’t followed the Bank of Canada’s move to lower rates…yet.
But mortgage brokers who spoke to the Globe and Mail say it’s only a matter of time and that it will put another gasp into the Canadian housing market.
“You’ll definitely get more interest in homebuying when you see rates go below 2.5 per cent,” mortgage planner Robert McLister said.
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Iran Joins Growing List of Countries to Ditch Dollar in Foreign Trade veröffentlicht
Deputy governor at Iranian Central Bank stated that Iran no longer uses the US dollar in foreign trade transactions, replacing it with other currencies...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Do You Stare At A Screen All Day? Here Are 5 Things You Can Do To Save Your Eyesight veröffentlicht
Most of us are aware that staring at a screen all day makes our eyes feel dry, tired, and irritated — with potentially harmful longterm consequences — but we also know that our jobs frequently require us to sit in front of a computer...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Week in FX – Draghi’s ECB Goes All In veröffentlicht
The European Central Bank (ECB) was always expected to be the main event of the past week. Capital markets had time aplenty to prepare to react to President Mario Draghi’s post-meeting press conference. Would the ECB stand and deliver...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag How Super Was Mario? veröffentlicht
Mario Draghi pulled off a political triumph on QE, coming in with a program that is bigger and more open-ended than anyone expected. The goal was to jolt expectations, to convince markets that there has been a fundamental shift toward aggressiveness...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag FX Channel More Promising than Asset Purchases veröffentlicht
The ECB's decision to launch a sovereign bond buying program has eurozone asset prices soaring. European equities have extended their advance; roughly doubling their year to date gains this week. European bonds have rallied, pushing yields to new record lows. Even Greek bonds have participated...
Andrius Kulvinskas
Beitrag Central Banks' shocks are over; get ready for Grexit! veröffentlicht
Central Banks Central Banks deserve a nomination for traders of the year this week, hitting the FX board with surprise after surprise these last few days, and investors unable to recoup from one shock before receiving another hit in the chin...