The legal side of trading. Does anyone have a FAQ? - page 16


Again, didn't you notice that the DC "supposedly" cancelled the order a minute after the price passed its level and touched it?

How is it possible to cancel an order retroactively if the price has already passed through that order level and the order has already been executed?


Are you Andrei01, also for open-mindedness and common sense?

Good to see a like-minded man!


mydone >>:
вот такие у нас высокоинтеллектуальные коллеги

I'm not your colleague. You're a little dumb to call yourself that. Have you read the rules of the forum?

It's so nice to watch Gip and timbo defend each other and flub each other - perhaps it's to stop the discussion. I am withdrawing from this type of conversation.

Have you written at least one post on the topic of discussion? 23 of your posts in a row in this thread without any substance.

motherfuckers... fuckin'...

And if I start posting your insinuations from your private message? Get deleted from the thread along with your posts.

I can only repeat the basic premise if you don't get it.

rid >>:

А вы опять не заметили, что ДЦ отменило отложку уже после того, через минуту после касания и прохода цены через её уровень ?

Как это можно отменить отложку, если цена уже прошла через уровень этой отложки и отложка уже исполнена?

What makes you think it's performed?


And this is what Comrade Gip sent me again "gip 24.05.2010 09:01

You child of a fucking woodpecker don't know that private messages can't be posted in the forum? You want to shit in private?"

and repeated 5 times - and I have not written this highly evolved and sly comrade ONE message and ask the moderators to verify and confirm it

By the way, how do you find the moderators here?
FreeLance >>:

Реклама несколько преувеличивает... ;) как всегда.

Реальное исполнение может затянуться - особенно на новостях. :)


Я так думаю (с) "Комиссар от ДЦ"

In other words, do you also think advertising is false ?

п. 5.25. When a pending order is received on the server for execution, the server automatically checks the trading account for free margin for the position to be opened:
a. A new position to be opened on this pending order is conditionally added to the list of open positions;
b. The new margin requirement "new margin" for the total client position, including the conditionally added new position, at current market prices at the time of checking is determined;

There are no queues for pending orders here!

Ok not nice so not nice - but the fact that he lied by saying that I wrote him? I have two screenshots of my incoming and outgoing on one. For me, his behavior is a sign that either he and most likely he works for Alpari (here they recruit) or ... I do not know what else, thank God such people have never lived near me.
FreeLance >>:

С какого рожна вы решили, что она исполнена?


Because, the price has already passed through the pause. And it has to be executed. Not canceled retroactively. - after the price reaches the take profit level.

By the way, he's just deleted everything from his personal account :)