A career in stock trading - page 6

Krishna >> :
A spoonful of tar from the net: http://beriuk.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_21.html

What a passion... It's all a scam, they're fooling around, only the organisers win. And the worst part is that the guy spent 3.5 years on it all!

That's not enough! And the most interesting thing: just when he finally began to realize that all these dice-indulators to put thoughtlessly together for nothing, that the most important thing - the price - and dawned and gave up!

Kirilll, if you have any technical education (in maths, of course, and not necessarily any university maths) take and analyze every cube you use in your system.

What does it really show?

Whether it is possible to deduce from it the most important thing: where the price will go at least approximately?

No, I'm not talking about empirical explanations like "the fast muv crossed the slow muv from the bottom up - so the price is likely to go up". That's not cube analysis, that's pure empiricism, giving exactly 50/50 (and even worse when the spread is taken into account). Go ahead and break out the cube mathematically and see what it shows.

Mathematics is not the queen of sciences, because only kings may work with it. It's because it gives you a clarity of vision unparalleled by any empiricism. This is where the only hope of achieving more than the same 95% of the plumers.

Mathemat >> :

>> Thank you!!!


The market is for professionals. The rest of us are doomed. The problem is that the market is a place where you cannot get half. You either get everything or you give it all away (time, money, hopes, dreams). If you ask these questions after six months, how did you manage to graduate from university where you have to study for five years?

There is no and never will be a direct, mechanical path to success. If it really existed, firstly, everyone would use it and secondly, all the money in the world would already be concentrated in one hand. I'm not even talking about MTS so much as trading in general. Books like "How I made a million dollars trading this and that" are one kind of utopia.

Kirill, I can give you one piece of advice: set a goal and go for it. If you think that this goal is too difficult, then you are really better off working from 9 to 18 five days a week.


forex is either forever or not worth taking up at all... the sooner you answer that question, the better for you

C-4 писал(а) >>

The market is for professionals. The rest of us are doomed. The problem is that the market is a place where you cannot get half. You either get everything or you give it all away (time, money, hopes, dreams).

The others are doomed, i.e. professionals have not been in the shoes of these very others?

A professional can only be born?


You can't make a career, but you can increase your capital. The only question is its size, and it has to be at least $10,000. You don't dive into a pool with knee-deep water or less, do you? And start with stocks. Forex is riding a motorbike at 300 km/h without a helmet.


"... it's hard to make just your first million..."

vasya_vasya >> :

The others are doomed, i.e. professionals, have not been in the shoes of these very others?

One can only be born a professional?

You have interesting logical constructions. Syllogisms are your hobby?)) (If you can lose on Forex and you can lose in the casino, then Forex is a casino.)

Although the last inference is closer to an aporia. Well, like Zeno's Achilles and the tortoise, etc.

Kirilll писал(а) >> Do you think it makes sense to stay in this business, is it possible to make some serious money here?

Can anyone be a good doctor? Or a good engineer? Or a good programmer? Or a good mathematician? Or a good agronomist? Or a good gardener? A fisherman? I think you will answer "not anyone". Then what makes you think that anyone can be a good trader? The specialty of "trader", as any other above-mentioned specialty, has its own peculiarities, which not everyone can master and understand. In this regard, not everyone can be a good trader - and that is normal. The same as there are not many good doctors, engineers, mathematicians, programmers, musicians, drivers, fishermen, gardeners and so on. And the specialty of trader requires not only good knowledge and talent, but also such a specific factor as luck. Good luck! .....)))))


>> Mathemat

Many people need more years to realize that this is not their topic or that they are digging in the wrong place or in the wrong way ... :)

Yes, the best algorithms are those that only need to get the current price to work ... and the most stable in the end ... and often the maths is required quite elementary ... it is more important even logic ... thinking ...

But on the other hand look ... these 95% must be trying to solve, as I think, a much more complicated problem - how to make calculation of past bars (which have very low probability of repeatability) and to derive a solution from this... it is a real challenge ... :)

>> C-4

Yes ... I imagine a picture of millions of people following the same path that they read in a newspaper ... holding it in front of their faces and handing out gold bars instead of paying for it ... horror ...

Better the way things are now ... beginners drain the money while those who have mastered the system are earning ... At least in this situation it is easier for kitchens to tolerate the fact that someone is earning ...

>> vasya_vasya

Naturally, no one is born a professional and everyone is a beginner ... but it's all about working and making an effort ... Someone needs less effort, and someone can truly give it their all and still will not get results, and never ...

Nothing surprising ... trading, like any other business, requires certain qualities + a sufficient level of knowledge and experience ... + of course sweat and money to master it all ...

Kirilll писал(а) >> I'm more of a beginner myself, I've been doing this for half a year now, I've read at least 5 books

Imagine you like being a doctor and after reading ten books on how operations are done, you go and operate on a person. How's that for a scenario? Or after reading a book on how to build an aeroplane, you go to build an aeroplane. Or after reading a book on MCL, you write on the forum that you are a professional programmer and write EAs for money. How do you like this approach? Trading profession is more available than others, in other areas they simply can't hire you without a diploma and education, besides, it seems very easy to do - buy high, sell low. And here no one requires a diploma. And everything is easy - just install MT4 and just have time to put money in your pockets))))). But it's deceptive. And it's far from what it seems....))))
