Yovanis Pineda
Yovanis Pineda
Yovanis Pineda
Added topic .csv file error
why am I unable to obtain the exact value of timing? string sg02[ 2 ];       sg02[ 0 ] = StringSubstr ( _Symbol , 0 , 3 );       sg02[ 1 ] = StringSubstr ( _Symbol , 3 , 3 ); datetime Mesure
Yovanis Pineda
Added topic I cannot create a SQL file from MQL5
I want to create a SQLite file on MQL5/Files, but this code didn't do so. I don't know what is wrong!  void OnTick ()   {    datetime Recolection = StringToTime ( TimeToString ( TimeCurrent (), TIME_DATE ) + " " + 00 : 00
Yovanis Pineda
Added topic EA change into a Script [MQL5][SQL]
Why my EA change into a Script when I put this: void OnStart (){    string filename="Foreign_Exchange.sqlite";    int Foreign_Exchange= DatabaseOpen (filename, DATABASE_OPEN_READWRITE | DATABASE_OPEN_CREATE | DATABASE_OPEN_COMMON
Yovanis Pineda
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