bob tanujaya
bob tanujaya

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bob tanujaya
Added topic how to pass an array as a parameter variable of the function ?
Dear All, How to pass an array as a parameter variable of the function ? I try like the example below, am I right ? example : double Array1; // add value inside the Array1 and so on..... // call the ArrayDisplay function and pass the Array as a
bob tanujaya
Added topic how to make a new window without any line chart or bar chart nor any indicator, just fill of text object in the window ?
Dear All, I want to make a new window without any bar chart or line chart and without any indicator in it, because I want to put text base object makrket information in that blank window. how to define the blank window ? thank for the helping to
bob tanujaya
Added topic how to make a macro variable for efficient looping ?
Hi, all I have a looping structure, and want to make efficient looping, if I am now wrong, in the programming langguage there is a macro variable that we can use directly the content of the memory as a object name , so I give the original code look
bob tanujaya
Added topic how to pass the color parameter into user define function
Hi all I have a problem :how to pass the parameter to user difine function : example : CreateObject("Test1",Green); CreateObject("Test2",C'236,130,0') CreateObject("Test3",32768 ) void CreateObject(string Name1,int