
Why does my python script need to open Mt5's window to work ?

blblablabl Hello, I use MetaTrader5 library for python. I call connectToAccount from main function. I don't understand why MetaTrader5's window needs to be open. If I block this opening my script sleeps until the window is opened. Is there a way to make it work without opening the Mt5 window ? Thank

Do you know ... ?

Hello, Do you know if it’s possible to run an external script (i.e. outside MT) which sends a signal to the EA so that the EA executes its action accordingly ? If yes, how ? Thank you

Execute script without opening MT5 window

Hello, I created a little script script with Python with this function: def connectToAccount(account, pswd): # if not mt5.initialize(): # print( "initialize() failed, error code =" , mt5.last_error()) # quit() authorized = mt5.login(account, psw) if

Delay to get Calendar Data after publication -- Do you have Solution ? :)

Hi everyone, I'm on my first EA (with mql5) and I have some trouble. My goal: Get new datas from Calendar event after maximum 5sec. Unforthunetly I get new data sometimes after 1 minutes, sometimes 4 minutes.. It's too long ! I don't understand why, I use EventTimer() to launch the trigger who check