
Reading from TXT file

Dear I need to create a structure named "table" to hold the data from the txt file (attached). How can I do that? I tried this script below but did not work. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Stategy.mq5

Market watch

Dear Is it possible to send an order to Symbol that is not shown in the market watch? Using the Expert Advisor. Best

Change a Long Array to Double Array

Dear How can I change a Long Array[] to a Double Array[]? Thanks Victor

VPS stopped for no reason.

Dear My VPS is stoping for no reason. In log terminal, I can see this message: 2018.09.07 22:42:26.471 | Virtual Hosting|close command received. I didn't send any command. When I try to start the server, 1 or 2 min later the VH stop again. What is going on? Do you have any suggestion? Best, Victor