
Any way for set a initial population in genetic algorithm?

Best regards I think is very important to set a initial population when we use the genetic algorithm like we could set in Matlab. Only we must set external variables from code. Like this: int init() { //---- if ( GlobalVariableCheck (initialPopulation) == false ) {

Getting value of Optimization Results ListView

I have created two functions for get the value of set in optimization results listview in this case. You can adapt the code in your dll. proc getOptimizationResult, theBest ; the best pass locals pid dd ? buffer rb 128 fHandle dd ? endl invoke GetTopWindow, 0 . while eax

Detecting the begin and end of optimizer in MT4 (code dll inside)

I want to share my code for detect the events like MT5 OnTesterInit() or OnTesterDeInit(). Code in MQL4 #import "optimizerControl.dll" bool OnTesterInit_MT4(); void activateOptimizerEnd( string parameters); #import int init() { if (isOptimizerStart()) { // is TRUE

is it possible detect the begin and end of optimizer from code?

I need some way to detect from code when the tester has the first pass and the last pass. I tryed read from the log in tester/logs... unsuccessfully, I couldn´t open this log beacuse is used by terminal.exe. Y was thinking reading the journal tester message but it will be so much work. Any idea

Some way to call CreateThread api?

I tried with this: #import "kernel32.dll" double CreateThread( int _1, int _2, double function, int _4, int _5, int _6); #import #import "user32.dll" int MessageBoxA( int hWnd, string szText, string szCaption, int nType); #import int init() { double hThread = CreateThread( 0 , 0