Otavio Pereira
Otavio Pereira
Friends 2
Otavio Pereira
Added topic Can't add data to a file using FileSeek fucntion
Hello, community, I'm trying to create an algo that, at every new tick, it will add some data in a .txt file. To achieve that, I'm using the FileSeek function following the instructions available in the "Writing to the end of a text file" Section in
Otavio Pereira
Added topic Need help with FileReadStruct function
Hello, I'm using the FileReadStruct function to read and copy data from a CSV file. However, the algo returns the 'array out of range' error (see execution_report file). I'm following the documentation available on 
Otavio Pereira
Added topic Reading file with different types of data issue.
Hello fellow traders, I'm trying to read a txt file with 3 collumns containg different type of data [datetime, double, double]. I get no error but I can't have my algo to read the file following the FileReadArray instructions. fileHandle is invalid
Otavio Pereira
Added topic After three weeks working properly, my EA returned wrong values for two hours, then it corrected it self. What happen?
double dailyPriceInfo[ 4 ]; void OnTick ()   {    daily_price_info(dailyPriceInfo);         Comment         
Otavio Pereira
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