
Certain Time Frames are not Being Reached Ever Since using the Export to CSV Function

Hi Yesterday I tried to export data directly into a CSV file using some code for write to file etc. Just when I started the strategy tester , the computer became very noticeably slow (including the little spinning circle). It took much longer to actually display alerts in the journal and so on

How can I Store the Ask Price, then Stop Storing it, Until a Certain Condition is Met?

How can I store the Ask price, then add 10 points to it, and when this new level is hit, store that, and then add another 10 points? It would need to be something like, stored Ask price, plus 10 points, then make this the target price, in which the alert will be triggered. So, I need the Ask to

Getting Notifications for Every time a Level is Hit

Hi I'm trying to set up a robot to tell me when price moves by about 10 points. What I've tried is if(Bid < OBJ_HLINE) { SendNotification ("Message"); The problem with that is, it notifies on every tick, so endless messages. But if I say if(Bid == OBJ_HLINE), the price will probably never be

Trying to Open an OP_BUY with a tutorial, but it's showing up in red and nothing happening in the terminal

Hi I don't now what is wrong here, but I can see the OP_BUY is in red so maybe that is the issue, but no idea how to fix is. I also don't know what it means when a symbol or letters are red. The code is attached, I hope it goes up here in the way it's meant to because I've seen threads here where