
testing/optimization parameters, results on the fly

Hi Guys, Is there a way for the mql4 program (EA) to know these data during testing or optimization? A simple example: I would like to print out on the chart the time interval the tester is running on or the actual profit factor, etc., on the fly anything from the final report. Thank you

HistoryBase errors

In the terminal log usually several error messages appear which says for example: 2014.03.29 06:08:26.359 HistoryBase: 2 errors in ' USDJPYi1 ' How is it possible to detect and repair these errors from mql4 ? Thanks

symbols.raw or string handling?

Hi, I struggle for hours with this simple problem that was no problem before: I read the terminal symbol names and descriptions from the symbols.raw file. string sSymbol=FileReadString(handle, 12); string desc=FileReadString(handle, 75); Print("symbol#",i,"/",n_pairs,": ", sSymbol, " / ", desc, "

find indicator window with multiple indicators

Hi, I would like to know how can I find an indicator window with mql4 where more than one indicator is attached, like on the screenshot below. There is 3 different RSI in one subwindiw, but WindowFind() does not work for "RSI(14)" and "RSI(21)". Thanks