
Access violation write to 0x00000000 with ShellExecuteW

Hello, i am actually coding a ShellExecute function to launch web browser by opening an internet shortcut made by : bool openURL( string url){ string terminal_data_path= TerminalInfoString ( TERMINAL_DATA_PATH ); filename= IntegerToString ( TimeCurrent ()+ MathRand ())+ "myurl.URL" ;

CryptEncode without using a key ?

Hello, i got a string to encode into SHA-256. For this, i'm using the CryptEncode function with my string converted to char array. I do not need to encrypt this array with any key, as the key is already hand crafted into this string (this is something i cant change). Example

retrieve terminal language within mql4 ?

Hello, Do someone know how i can retrieve the terminal language with mq4 code ? I would like to know if the launched terminal is in English language for instance or Spanish, etc.. I didn't think any trick right now. Thanks in advance