
Python scritp, how to merge two ticks result of "copy_ticks_range"?

I have loop with variable begin date-time, what move to the future time ... Example: totalTicks = numpy.array([]) while True: utcBegan += timedelta(hour= 4 ) ticks = mt5.copy_ticks_range( Symbol , utcYearBegan, utcYearEnd, mt5. COPY_TICKS_ALL ) totalTicks += ticks or

How to close all Orders before day will ends?

If Orders set by market, also. It's possible to do? I have problem with high price change at new day begun ... It' PYTHON

Tick flags codification - how to understand?

I read about it here But if I do query, server will return flags as 230/100/226 ... etc How to decode them to really values? Maybe table or formula is allow for decode all possible int values? Where is it

How timezone correct for tick request in the Python integration?

I'm about this . Quote: # create 'datetime' objects in UTC time zone to avoid the implementation of a local time zone offset But really not important server time zone here? I'm afraid that I can get problem in the future and I'm not understand how server works with timezone ... Why is UTC is using

Stochastic formula?

I have this %K = (C−L14/H14−L14) × 100 %D = (Sum of last 3 %K) / 3 Where: C = The most recent closing price L14 = The lowest price traded of the 14 previous trading sessions H14 = The highest price traded during the same 14 -day period %K = The current value of the stochastic indicator but I see

Python for mql5 [How to do circle by new tick?]

For now I use this construction: Inserted Code def AnalyzeAndAutoOrder(): time.sleep(5) while(True): ..... any operations .... # Sleep ... time.sleep(0.250) AutoTrade = threading.Thread(target=AnalyzeAndAutoOrder, daemon=True, args=()) AutoTrade.start() But I need to do condition for while to repeat

How to close active order with Pyhon application?

plz, who know about - write example of these ... It's my current setting, but it's only for pending orders ... request = { "action" : mt5. TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE , "position" : Order.ticket, # result from mt5.positions_get(group= "*" ), I was

Error in MQL function with python ...

I'm can't using month time frame, because python write error: AttributeError: module 'MetaTrader5' has no attribute 'TIMEFRAME_MON1' Code: CandleOfPreviousMonth = mt5.copy_rates_from(CurrentSymbol, mt5.TIMEFRAME_MON1, PreviousMonthDateTime, 1 ) But this work for week or days ... How to fix this

C# and Python integration ...

I'm find this file "_core.cp38-win32.pyd" in MetaTrader5 extension for Python 3.8 ... Do you know about manual for C# about use PYD library as DLL? Maybe with example for this PYD? I'm can't doing this because never not usage python library in C# and need guide for low experience level