Scott Littlefield
Scott Littlefield

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Scott Littlefield
Added topic Question about scrolling
 Iam using MT4 and have a particular template I would like to view selected stocks on. Is there an easy way to scroll through the stock list one at a time. I tried to use the up down arrow keys on the keyboard. The highlight does shift through
Scott Littlefield
Added topic Technical glitches
I still have MT4 and having problems with latency and platforming freezing. Not sure if its because of my internet connection, broker or my indicators on the charts. Any suggestions on how to fix it. Will virtual hosting here help? Any suggestions
Scott Littlefield
Added topic Issue with lagging mt4
Can someone offer me advice. I am still on mt4. I have indicators that really lag and lockup my platform and it is becoming a major issue. I deleted the logs but don't see much difference. Are there any suggestions that can provide relief. It is not
Scott Littlefield
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