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Added topic Can't get swap fees in percentage terms
Hi, I have issues to get swap fees in percentage terms when using the strategy tester . Everything is fine with swap fees in points though. As an exemple, here are two transactions I performed "in real" (with a demo account): (see transactions.png)
Added topic Retreiving swap fees with CFD on Indices?
Dear all, I have been able to retreive the swap fees from a closed deal using this little code: void    OnTradeTransaction (    const MqlTradeTransaction &    trans,    const MqlTradeRequest
Added topic Opening several positions at a time on one symbol?
Dear all, From MQL5 documentation about position properties , I can read this: For each financial security(symbol), only one open position is possible. I have written the following code : int OnInit ()   {    CTrade trade;
Added topic Optimization Strategy testing agents and dlls
Deal all, I am trying to optimize my EA that uses a dll. I have read that I can't use local network or cloud network agents when using dlls: The issue I have is that I can
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