
Can u check where's Problem in my code MQL5

hi.. i wanna make EA will Close Order 1 by 1 from frist order , this code mql4 is succses , but when i try to mql5 with same way, im always get message " failed prices for 0 [ Invalid request ]" this code from Mql4 .. void CloseOrderPartial2() // Close partial Buy { int orderstotal =

How can make "Lot" parameter in list array

Hi all .. I wanna ask ,, How can I Possibly to make "lotlist[]" in input paramater ?... example : extern double lotlist[] = { 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.4 }; but I can't because 'lotlist' objects and arrays are not allowed as inputs thank you: void BuyOrderVarying2() { int orderid = 1 ; double

Use Icustom() with Separate string by comma

Hi all .. sorry becaouse my english is bad .. i wanna ask , how can I use value extern string Input_Indicator ="20.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,50.0,0.0,0.0,0.0"; // I wanna give value "Input_Indicator" from the input coloumn , use comma saperated but I dont know how... if (iCustom(NULL, PERIOD_CURRENT

help me with my code

hello all ,, can u help me to modify my code ?... i wanna build strategy like this with Fxgen and the model is like this as u can see the model is not simple ... if the order reach Buyorder5 and