
DLL with other depedencies

So I was able to make a DLL just fine to work in MT. Then I expanded it to use some MySQL code so I can write some info to a database. Now the DLL doesn't seem to load. I have the MySQL dll's that it requires in the experts/library folder. Is there an issue to use a DLL that users other DLL's inside

Read multiple lines from csv file

So I have a script that opens a csv file and starts calling FileReadString() to get each element in the csv which is just 1 line atm. Now I want to have multiple lines in my csv. Do I just keep calling FileReadString() and it'll move to the next line and start over on that line

Loop multiple times with one Expert and write results to file

Hi, Is it possible to loop with one Expert using different extern properties, detached from chart and saving result to file? If for example my Expert use 2 EMA for buy/sell and I would like to loop to test different case as : // Test for the first with EMA(15) to EMA(32) and the second EMA(6) to