phoenix wan
phoenix wan
Friends 2
phoenix wan
Left feedback to developer for job Based on ATR trading EA
phoenix wan
Added topic How to access the second if clause
I am totally drain out. I took few hours to find out why the program wont enter the second if clause. Any skillful programmer wanna give a shot? if (TodayVolatilityPercentage>= 90 &&(dayTrend== 1 )&&orderOpened== false )
phoenix wan
Added topic How can I determin daily candlestick up or down
I am new to the mt4 programming. Can anyone please help me with this? I'd like to know whether a daily candlestick is up or down. How to achieve in the programming
phoenix wan
Added topic [back testing] marketinfo mode_high return 0
Hi all, Could anyone please help me! When I am doing back testing using code:    double TodayHighest = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_HIGH);    Print("TodayHighest is:  ",TodayHighest);      double TodayLowest =
phoenix wan
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