Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
  • Trader and Developer at Rio de Janeiro
  • Brazil
  • 164
  • Information
3 years
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Trader and Developer at Rio de Janeiro
instagram: @yuriodilon
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Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Added topic Taking the last profit and storing it in a variable | MQL4
Hey guys, I've been trying to do a function for a while but I can't find the error ... I'm doing a function that returns the Profit / Loss from the previous order. I already posted this help here, some colleagues responded with some ideas but without
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Added topic Store previous profit in a variable | MQL4
Hey guys ! see if anyone can help me: I'm trying to take the profit from the previous order and store it in a variable. I'm doing this way: double lastProfit = 0 ;        for ( int i= 0 ; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++)
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Added topic Help with Code | Informations about Last Order on MQL4
Hi Guys ! Can you help me with  a doubts ? I need informations about Lots of the Last order. I'm making this: double bigTicket     = 0 ; double lastLotsOrder = 0 ; int
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
Acompanhe nossos trades !

Instagram: yuriodilon
Yuri Odilon Paula Da Silva
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