
It can't get better than this!

What more can a trader ask for from a broker, other than making things more easy and interesting for their clients. My broker profiforex just lunched a 500% bonus promotion. When I first saw the news, it was hard to believe at first. But after going through the details I realized how real it is. Am

Clearing out Doubt and making profit!

As newbies we might feel lost and confused, not even knowing where and how to start. To many they don't even understand what forex is all about, I know many of us can relate to that, I did at a time. Especially when we know that forex is the largest financial market in the world and we just might

Waiting for results!

Ok, sharing my thoughts here today, with full expectations and high hopes. I have been studying forex for a while now, and I have been focusing particularly on two very promising strategies; Index of strength strategy Bill Williams strategy I have spent a considerable amount of time on these

Learn from the best!

I never knew there was award for the best forex trader in the world until I came across an article on it. I believe we can learn from such a person, so I have taken the leverage to share some of his famous quotes here. By the way the trader's name is George Soros; "It’s not whether you’re right or

Trade deficit

Trade deficit is an amount by which the cost of a country 's imports exceed the value of its exports. It occurs when the value of what is imported is more than the value of what is exported. A trade deficit can weaken a currency of a county and even make it worthless. Though trade deficit correct

Forex indicators use

There are different types of indicators in forex trading in which indicators have different fuctions. Indicators are use to generate and confirm signals when traders seek to find trends. In studying price datas and also in identifying rate trend in order to buy and sells at the most profitable level

Forex news.

Forex news is very important in the market,it makes the move regardless the technical news is the fuel that keeps the market going. Forex news provide traders with the most recent exchange rate of currency pair . A trader need to know the exact currency rate and the way the market is progressing and

Use of wedges.

The wedges are similar in construction to a symmeric triangle in that there are trend lines -support and resistance- which band thr price of a security. It signal that traders are still deciding where to take the pair next. There are two types of wedges the falling and the rising wedge. The falling

why have a plan

It is important to have a plan while trading because it serve as a guide. Having a plan helps your emotion not to influence your trade due to the fact that a plan describe in terms what you will do in any given market situation. It help as a guide tha keep you on discipline trading path and help as

Moving average

.Moving average is one of the indicators used in mt4 that shows the average value f a price over a set period of time. It identify trends and reversal. Moving average do not predict new trends but confirm trends once they have been established . It can determine potential price support and its being